Work Order Details

To open the details of a Work Order, simply tap a record from the Work Order Listing.

Do note that MEX employs two types of Work Orders.

  • This standard Work Order
  • Work Order Inspection

The new look Standard Work Order details is laid out in the following format:

  • The Work Order Number is clearly displayed alongside the Priority and Due Date. The Estimated Hours to Complete are summarized and displayed here under the description.
  • Asset
    • Asset Number and Description
      • Tapping the hyperlink will allow you to see the Asset Tree, Manufacturer, Model Number, Serial Number and the Registration Number of the Asset. Click the X to close.
    • Parent Asset
  • Time – MEX displays the total of all time spent on the job here.
    • You can tap the Clock Icon to start a timer as long as the current user has a Trade assigned to them. This will start a timer and will record the resulting time in the Trades section under actual time.
  • Photos – Capture all the photos you need to here. Saving them directly to your MEX system.
  • Instructions
  • Tasks
  • Parts – All parts required for the job are listed here.
    • Tapping on a record here, takes you to the spare parts form, where we can issue the parts.
  • History Notes
  • Signature
  • Details
    • Priority
    • Status
    • Due Start
    • Due Finish
    • Estimated Hours
    • Raised By
  • Customer
    • Customer Name
    • Quote Number
    • Quote Amount
    • Order Number

Work Order Inspections have a number of Assets listed within the same job, and we have made it so much easier to work through an Inspection on the app.

The new look Standard Work Order Inspection details is laid out in the following format:

  • Sorting option
    • Predefined
      • Incomplete inspections
      • Exceptions
      • Not Approved inspections
  • Asset Search Bar – If you know the Asset, type it in, select it and inspect away
  • List of Assets to Inspect
    • Asset Number
    • Description
    • Number of Questions
    • Number of Questions Answered
    • Percentage of Questions Completed
      • For every inspection you complete, the inspections progress is displayed on the top right-hand corner of the form, and this is updated incrementally
    • Picture
  • Time – MEX displays the total of all time spent on the job here
    • You can tap the Clock Icon to start a timer and it will record the resulting time in the trades section under the actual time.

Here are the filters available on the Work Order Inspection Details for:

  • Predefined
    • Incomplete inspections
    • Exceptions
    • Not Approved inspections
  • Full Filter