Main Features in MEX

We have added Work Orders and Inspections, Requests, Stocktakes and Readings as the main functionality of the app.

  • Work Orders
    • Create a new Work Order
      • Wherever you are in the MEX app, tap the plus button
      • Tap Work Order
      • Enter all details, take pictures
    • View your Work Orders
      • Conveniently sorted to make life easy
  • Requests
    • Create a new Request
    • View all current requests
      • Conveniently sorted to make life easy
  • Readings
    • Enter a new reading
    • View all current readings
      • Conveniently sorted to make life easy
  • Stocktake
    • View all stocktakes assigned to you
    • Perform a stocktake
    • Do note that all stocktakes will need to be created in Main MEX
  • Edit Mode
    • Edit Security
    • Set up mandatory fields
    • Change label names
    • Custom fields