How do I change my password?

If you have forgotten your password, no need to worry! There are multiple ways to reset you password and regain access to your account.

From the login screen you will be able to click the forgot login button to receive an email that will reset your password. Please note you must have these things in place to complete the password reset.

  • Must have entered your username into the username field.
  • Must have a from address assigned in the SMTP settings, this is crucial for receiving notifications.
  • Must have a email assigned to your user so you can receive the password reset notification.

If you are not able to complete your password reset because of an issue with the above requirements, you can simply reach out to your MEX administrator and ask them to reset the password for you. MEX Administrators can either reset the password or set a password for you.

If they choose to reset the password, you will be prompted to set a password when you next login. If they set a password for you, you will need to use the password they have assigned to you.