Adding Custom Fields


Custom Fields allow MEX users to capture more information than the standard system can accommodate.

Please remember that in order to add custom fields to the MEX App, that field needs to be configured in the main MEX system first. This lists the field in a group of selectable custom fields from within the app.

Adding a custom field:

  • Open up the MEX app
  • Navigate to the screen that you would like to make changes on
  • Tap on the hamburger menu on the bottom right hand side of your device
  • From the options presented in the menu, Tap on Edit Mode
  • The edit mode menu will now pop up
  • Tap the Custom fields option
  • Up will pop an
    • Edit Custom Fields area with green lines
    • A list of custom fields for this form
  • Simply tap and hold the field you want to add to the Form and drag it into place
  • Make the necessary adjustments
  • Close Edit Mode to save your changes

If it is within an area of the app that is allowed to be added, then opening the Edit Mode -> Custom Field option on the new app will display the available fields to add and a grid to add it to.